[Salon] Budapest: It would be better for Sweden if Hungary postponed the ratification of its NATO application


September 29, 2023

Budapest: It would be better for Sweden if Hungary postponed the ratification of its NATO application

The head of the office of the Hungarian Prime Minister, Gergely Gulyas, recalled that a group of the governing party FIDES - Hungarian Citizens' Association had expressed serious doubts as to whether the Swedish motion should be dealt with in the autumn session of parliament.

The Hungarian government has not withdrawn the bill to ratify the Swedish NATO accession agreement from parliament, but it would be better for the Swedes themselves if the vote on it did not take place now, explained the head of the office of the Hungarian Prime Minister, Gergely Gulyas at a meeting with journalists.

He recalled that the group of the governing party FIDES - Hungarian Citizens' Association had previously expressed serious doubts about the expediency of the treatment of the Swedish application at the autumn session of Parliament. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban also declared on the 25th. September before the deputies that he sees no reason to ratify the document. Therefore, no date was set for the vote. "Maybe it's the best for the Swedes. If we had to vote now, the result would be very doubtful," said Gulyas.

When asked by a journalist, "who benefits from this situation, apart from Russia," the head of the Prime Minister's office said that he "does not suffer from Russophobia and does not try to look at everything from the point of view of the Russians." According to him, "everything should be viewed from the point of view of common sense", and the question is "whether the Swedes themselves want to join NATO".

Hungary considers it inappropriate to talk about the ratification of the agreement on the admission of Sweden to NATO in a situation where Swedish politicians make offensive statements against the agreement. "The Swedes have done everything to undermine the respect and trust between the two countries," emphasized Gulyas, who has the rank of minister in the Hungarian government.

Hungary's accusations

On the 21st In September, the chairman of the FIDES Group in the Hungarian Parliament, Mate Kocsis, declared that the chances of ratifying the Swedish NATO accession agreement during the autumn session were low. He explained that Hungarian MPs had already made serious accusations against Swedish politicians for their unfriendly statements, and that this has now been supplemented by an educational film for Swedish schools, which contains extremely negative assessments of the state of Hungarian democracy.

On the 14th In September, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto published an open letter to his Swedish counterpart Tobias Billström, in which he warned that Sweden's behavior continues to be an obstacle to NATO membership. These are "serious, biased and unfair accusations" against Hungary, according to the minister.

In addition to Hungary, of all NATO countries, only Turkey has not ratified Sweden's application. Ankara wants Stockholm to take a more decisive action against Kurdish activists who have settled in Sweden. At the same time, Budapest has repeatedly stated that it does not intend to prevent the admission of the northern country to the alliance and will not be the last country not to ratify the agreement. On the 27th In March, the Hungarian parliament approved Finland's accession to NATO, but postponed the examination of Sweden's application. Finland and Sweden submitted their applications on the 18th. May 2022 and stated that they were pushed to the step by the events in Ukraine.

Translation from the Russian news agency TASS

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